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Happiness in the New Year

in Life Coaching

Happy New Year, happy birthday, happy this day, happy that day. We throw around the word happy quite a bit! I don’t know about you, but until I started writing this, I had never really given much thought to how often we wish happiness upon those we know.

We don’t wish people a “Jewelry new year,” or a “Skinny birthday,” or a “Shoe anniversary.” Happy is the salutation of choice. I’m sure some of you are thinking those things would make you happy (and I, of course have been guilty of it too), but the real reason we want things in life, is because we think having them will make us happy. What are you thinking will make you happy in the new year?

Happiness is actually just a feeling state that comes from our thoughts. It doesn’t come from our possessions, looks, or what our loved ones did or didn’t do. You may feel happy when you get something you want, but it’s only because of the thoughts you have about getting what you want that actually create the joy. This is pretty exciting because it means with a little practice, we can almost always decide to be happy by simply shifting our thoughts and perspectives to ones that feel good. Sound like a good way to start the new year?

I’ve spent some time this week thinking about what I wish for myself in 2016. New Year’s always feels like a fresh start to me, a new beginning. Like I mentioned last year, I have found new year’s resolutions often create more pain and suffering for people if they “fail.” Instead, for the past seven years, I have chosen a word that ignites good feelings. It’s those good feelings that will fuel us with the energy to make positive changes for ourselves.

If making changes was easy, there would be no one out there hoping to shed a few pounds. There would be no one in unhappy relationships. No one would feel dissatisfied with their careers, and nobody would be unhappy with with anything really. Like I’ve said before though, it is nearly impossible to hate yourself enough to change; it must come from a loving and more accepting place. So, how can you do it right this time?

If resolutions haven’t worked for you in the past, I invite you to join me this year by picking a word or mantra that evokes good feelings, so you WANT to take better care of yourself, rather than think you HAVE TO. This is so much easier than muscling our way through life.

This year, I choose the word flow. It’s become very clear to me in recent months that I have a lot more resistance in life than I realized. While I do think of myself as a pretty easy going person, I have the tendency to struggle internally with decisions. I often find myself looking for reasons why I should have maybe chosen differently. I’m sometimes more focused on what I’m missing out on, rather than what I’m gaining. The word flow feels really good to me. It leads me to the thought, Everything is perfect and is exactly as it should be. From this place I can let go of my resistance and surrender to feeling more joy in all of my experiences. This thought allows me to feel at ease and accept what is.

What word or thought brings you a peaceful, calm feeling? What word or thought makes you feel giddy and excited? What word or thought evokes a sense of joy? What word or thought makes you feel strong?

If you want to lose weight, maybe it’s love, not disgust that you need. If you’re wanting to make changes but feel fearful, maybe courage, or I got this, could help. If you’re looking for love, maybe you just need to believe you can have it.

Wishing all of you lovely people a very happy happy New Year full of happy thoughts and all that you desire!!

P.S.- I’d love to hear what your word is for 2016, so if you wanna share, leave me a comment!

P.S.S.-If you’re in the NYC area, and you want 2016 to be your best year yet, it’s not too late to sign up and join me in person for some group coaching at my Sunday Sit-Down on 1/10, 4:30-6pm on the Upper East Side! Click here to register today!

P.S.S.S.-I just ordered a bracelet with my word on it so I will always be reminded. You can also get a custom one with your word here!

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