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Saying Yes to Life

in Life Coaching

To say life can be interesting, is an understatement. Weird, wild, confusing, exciting, calm, chaotic, beautiful, fun, tricky, unpredictable—are just a few other adjectives we could use to describe it.

Sometimes we get what we want. Sometimes we get what we need. Sometimes those two things are the same, and sometimes they are different.

At times, we can want something so badly, and things just don’t work out despite how hard we try. At other times, it’s as if opportunities are just handed to us on a silver platter when we aren’t even looking.

We gotta be open to seeing those opportunities as some of life’s magic. Otherwise, it’s easy to get caught up in logic, and potentially miss out on saying yes to life.

I strongly believe what you give is what you get in life, so the more often we put our best foot forward, the more awesome stuff comes our way.

When something shows up that we aren’t looking for, I like to look at it as a sign that life could use a little tweaking. It can be easy to brush off though because we’re comfortable, or because when we make a list of pros and cons, the cons beat out the pros.

Pay attention though, and ask yourself, Am I coasting? Am I just going through the motions in life? Am I playing it safe because I’m afraid to take a risk?

Maybe what life is presenting us is exactly what we need. I love the concept of trusting in life. Trusting that it will provide me with whatever I need in any given moment, even if what’s presented is not exactly what I expected or even thought I wanted.

Saying yes to life doesn’t mean we should just always go with the flow without any thought at all—but it means being open to whatever comes our way. It means not letting fear get in our way when our gut knows better. Sometimes we just gotta quiet the noise in our heads, take a leap of faith and go for it! Say yes to life, and enjoy where it takes ya!

That’s it—that’s all I got for ya!

Happy day lovely people!

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