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Want Everything, Get Nothing

in Life Coaching

You ever notice that when you want everything, you get nothing? Ok, maybe not. That’s probably because it’s super subtle, and not so easy to spot if you aren’t aware of this silly phenomenon.

If you ever have difficulty making decisions, it’s probably happening and you don’t even realize it. If you find yourself constantly going over the potential positives and negatives of every scenario, before, during, or after the decision making process, read on, read on…

Many of us have been taught to weigh the pros and cons when making a decision. While this may seem like a very logical plan, it can wreak havoc on those of us who struggle with going back and forth and don’t always know exactly what we want. Making the “perfect” choice can become an obsession for people, and the fear of making the “wrong” decision can torment us.

It’s one thing to think things out, but it’s the back and forth and questioning that so many people partake in, that causes us to get nothing. Now, I don’t literally mean you get nothing. I’m referring to the fact that when we don’t align ourselves fully with our decisions, no choice, will ever feel satisfying.

You can probably come up with good reasons to do just about anything. The same is true for reasons you maybe shouldn’t. This means there are pros and cons to every decision, and there really is no such thing as making the “right” one.

Example time! If you decide to go to the gym, but then feel guilty for missing out on some family time, you miss out on the enjoyment of the exercise and time for yourself. On the flip side, if you opt for family time and then feel resentful for not doing something for yourself, you won’t enjoy your family time as much as you could have. If you go back and forth in your head about a night out vs. some relaxing time at home, you may find yourself stuck thinking about what you will be missing out on, rather than what you gain with either decision. It becomes a lose/lose situation. If you find yourself stuck between planning a vacation and whether or not you really should be working, you’re doing it again! And if you decide to indulge in a yummy dessert and then feel guilty and bad because you were trying to eat healthier, you miss the opportunity to thoroughly enjoy a treat. Is it all starting to make sense now?

The issue is, many of us want everything! We want to spend time with our families, exercise, go out, stay in, go on vacation, excel at work, eat that dessert, and eat healthy. There will always be a negative with every positive if you’re constantly looking for it. If you stop the searching though, you will be able to enjoy the decisions you do make, a whole lot more.

Now, I’m not saying you should just haphazardly make decisions without any thought at all. In all likelihood though, you could probably live your life without most of that back and forth. It’s that back and forth which gets you nowhere. We think we need it in order make educated decisions, when in fact, it usually just makes us grumpy. It becomes a missed opportunity to truly partake in, and enjoy the activities we have chosen.

What if you could make a decision without all that mind clutter? How would it feel if you just picked a side, and enjoyed the hell out of it? You can, by not engaging with the thoughts about what you are missing. The fact of the matter is, we just can’t be everywhere and do everything all the time.

When you make a decision, align with it. Try and trust your instincts, rather than always working with logic. When you notice your mind wandering off to the dark side, just say to yourself, uh uh, not gonna go there, and start focusing your thoughts on all the good stuff you will gain from the decision you’ve made. I will say, for those of you who really struggle with this, it’s much easier said than done. Fortunately though, like everything else in life, with a little practice, it gets easier and easier!

That’s it; that’s all I got for ya!

Happy day!!

P.S.-If you have thoughts about this, please leave a comment…I love hearing from you! Oh, and if you have friends who may like my posts, remember, sharing is caring 

P.S.S.-For those of you who couldn’t make it to January’s Sunday Sit-Down, there’s always March! I’m gearing it towards those of you who made resolutions to eat healthier, lose weight, and/or feel better in your body. For details on how and when you can learn about what I call Mindful Munching, click here.

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